Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mothering and Feminism

A Couple of Topics have come up on the Local Mothering boards in the last couple of weeks. One was about feminism and relationships with working outside the home and the other about bad vs good mothers. It seems that both come down to supporting families and mothers. Feminism has given us opportunities to do and say more than we have in the past. Does this make us more critical of eachother and our choices? We do have more choices now but are still limited by the fact that our government, economy and societal norms do not support families or motherhood. Value in your self is still supposed to be gained by your education, job, and the THINGS you own not loving and supportive relationships and family. Even though it may seem like we have more choices, we are limited many outside factors. Being critical of other people and their “choices” does not seem productive for our relationships. There are so many barriers to being the best person/mother/family that have nothing to do with feminism or bad mothering. All I can do is continue to work at being the best at what I do and try to remember that most people are trying to do the best at what they are doing. It is often this inability to open our minds to other people’s situation that causes problems. Close mindedness is not only the inability to not open your mind to other ideas but also the inability to empathize with other people on personal level. I will continue to support the families and mothers in my life with example and loving care in what ever way I can. I will continue to make the best choices I can for my family so that I can continue to grow and learn and be the best Mother possible.