Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saturday Fun

I've decided that losing weight is my 3rd job, which of course comes behind my parenting job and my speech therapy job. So far I feel like I'm not doing too bad considering this.

Elliott, Ella (the dog) and I ran to Fred Meyers this AM to get Chocolate chips to my our own "Bars." The kids usually eat Kids Cliff bars. Oh yeah, it was 4.5 miles round trip. Ella and I our both very tired.
Sorry if you were looking for any new pictures, Macey had another rough night and I still haven't been able post a lot of thoughts that I want to.

2 eggs
2 pc toast w/ 1 tblsp butter

Snacked on kids leftovers
and chocolate chips from the bars we made

Choc/choc chip protein Bar

Black beans
Brown rice
Avocado about 1/2 lg
Cheese 1 oz
sour cream 2 tblsp
hamburger 1 1/2 oz

40z smoothie