Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday Weigh IN

Well, it's been a week since I last posted. I was really kinda down about my weight staying the same 2 weeks in a row at 166 lbs. I didn't over eat because this got me down. I had plans to find a way to lose the weight without starving. However, we all got the pukies over the weekend. The last time I lost a bunch of weight was because I had a slight nausea for a couple of weeks. I plan to milk this stomach illness as well. I am not really hungry so I will not be eating much. I know that could eat right over this but again I am going to be milking it for all I can. Today, I am down to 161 lbs. I know this is not particularly healthy to lose so much in one week but I feel fine.

Yesterday Intake and Exercise

Coffee with 2 creamers and 2 oz 2% milk

Penne pasta 1/4c
2-3 oz Sauage
4 oz chocolate cake
Turkey wrap (cheese, turkey, cream cheese, tortila) 4oz

Coffee 2 oz 1/2&1/2 2 sugars

Lg salad with shredded carrots and beets, 3 grape tomatoes, 1 oz peas 3 tblsp salad dressing

Bike to work 45
Bike home 15 min (flat tire)

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