Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wednesday Weigh in

So Brian still has 5 days before his appointment with the Cardiothoracic surgeon. I think he has realized that having the surgery soon rather than later will be beneficial. There are too many risk factors with delaying the surgery. He is nervous but doing ok. The kids were sick the first part of the week and then gave it to me. I had to work because I don't want to lose any time off with Brian likely needing surgery soon. Macey had her eyes checked because I wanted to make sure that she doesn't have any lazy eye or serious problems with that droopy eyelid. The doctor said she has a "prescription" but her eyes are working well together and wants to check her in another year.

So I weighed in at 161 lbs. I have been too busy to post but my mantra all week has been 2 lbs 'cause thats my goal to use my Starbucks gift cards. I want to go buy some cups. I think, I can lose that other lb this week but I had been eating like crazy for about 2 weeks before my period. I was so hungry and wanted to eat everything in sight. Thankfully, thats over but I still get really hungry in the evening when I get home and end up eating too much. My ultimate goal is still 140 lbs and thats a long way off at this rate.

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