Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bah Hum Bug

I am sooooo disappointed. Not only have I not lost anything I gained 2 lbs. It probably would have been more had I not been sick the past few days. Now I have to redouble my efforts to lose weight or I'll be buying bigger clothes, not smaller soon.
My 1st job, Mama, has been envading my 3rd job, weight loss. Fortunately, this week my 2nd job has started to slow down a bit and we have an new co-worker to help out. We still need an on-call person.

Personal Goals:
Record intake (no progress yet)
Run 20 min - Just need to drag my butt outta bed
Biking - Keep it up
Healthier Food - this is challenging around the hospital and with Brian doing the majority of the shopping
JUST SAY NO - to all that food around the hospital or only take a small bite

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You hang in there girl. I wish we were closer! Why am I not exercising right now? Hellif I know! Caffiene is a blessing. Turn down the fattening whatever and drink coffee instead. Caffiene is happy.
You should look at my most recent blogs. This town full of STUFF keeps making me think about STUFF. Ahhh, got to get rid of the STUFF!!!!!!!!
(btw the word verification that I have to type in to post this comment is 'rape'. I think we should report blogger...)